Winter skin care tips

Winter skincare tips from our team
Winter can be a fun time and we change the way we are because of the cold. So, we thought we would offer some skincare tips. Many people are off to the mountain ski resorts for skiing and boarding or taking long cold winter walks exposing skin to the elements. The opposite is true indoors where we turn up the dial on the heating and make cosy fires to stay warm. Well it may surprise you to know that your skin does not share your enthusiasm for this lifestyle. The constant hot to cold and changes in temperature leave it somewhat unable to decide what to do for the best. The skin struggles with these opposite conditions so here we give you some winter skincare tips.
The Culprit Of Dry And Dehydrated Skin
The reason your skin gets dry and dehydrated in winter is basic science. The colder air does not hold moisture. As it gets colder the skin gets dryer as the air pulls more moisture away from the skin. The effect is dry dull looking skin. It tends to be a bigger problem in dryer skins but does effect the balance for oily skins too. Where you live can also be an issue, the cold dry winds we see on the south coast can exaggerate the problem.
Keeping Moisture Locked In
One great way to help lock in moisture is to use cold water on it but we don’t tend to jump into a luke warm shower on a cold morning. So try and not allow long periods of standing under a hot shower jet and only use a mild cleansing wash with cool water. Apply a good moisturiser as soon as you get out of the shower as this helps lock in moisture.
Diet Matters
Foods high in water content should be a regular part of your diet. Watermelon, berries and apples (some great British apples are at their best in winter) around contain 90% water. It’s less common to see people clutching a bottle of water in winter we turn to hot drinks but our need for water stays the same. Still, try and hydrate with water or investigate some herbal teas which will hydrate you. This is even more important if you suffer from very dry skin conditions, psoriasis or acne. It may be worth calling into see us to determine the best plan for you.
Skin Is The Largest Organ
We forget that the skin is the largest organ of the body. Its not just on the face we need to pay special attention. The skin all over the body suffers in winter. The exposed areas such as the hands and neck are often forgotten. So don’t only moisturise the face – the thing you see, pay attention to the neck and the hands. For the neck we recommend the award winning Neostrata Triple Firming Neck Cream. We stock it here in the clinic and swear by it.
Sunscreen Is Not Just For Summer
Even though the small hints of the sun are seemingly not a risk. The skin is still exposed to the sun all year round. At higher ski resorts in the Alps and around the world it is VERY exposed due to the altitude. Sunscreen should be according to dermatologists, an all year round commitment. It’s worth trying to find a great moisturiser with a broad spectrum UV protection. Remember 80% of the suns rays can penetrate through cloud so it’s really not just for sunny days.
Boost And Brighten
The last of our winter skincare tips is try and have a Facial at least once a month- we recommend HydraFacial to help you put back what winter is taking out!