Breast enlargement/augmentation is the most popular cosmetic breast surgery procedure for women. The surgery itself involves inserting breast implants to increase the size of the breasts, change their shape, or make them more symmetrical.
There are many different shapes and types of breast implant – your surgeon and practitioner will discuss options with you. A round silicone implant is the most common, but also available is a tear-drop shaped implant for a more natural look.
Saline implants are also available but they do not hold their shape as well and are often used to expand the skin after breast removal following surgery.
The procedure is suitable for women with:
The operation, usually performed under a general anaesthetic, involves making a small cut in the skin next to or below the breast to allow the implant to be positioned either between your breast tissue and chest muscle, or behind your chest muscle. The incision is then stitched together and covered with a dressing.
The procedure usually takes 60 – 90 minutes, usually under a general anaesthetic with an overnight stay in hospital. However in some circumstances it can be performed as a day case.
At A New You we use a variety of implants such as Mentor and Nagor which are proven and well-known implants used by leading plastic surgeons.